Monday, October 20, 2008

I am getting old.

Well yesterday I celebrated my 36th Birthday and today my oldest passed her test and now has her drivers permit. So that just makes me feel old. I spent my day watching Joseph play baseball then Joe, Jess and I went to dinner and then Mom and Dean came over with my favorite cake and some ice cream. Then this morning a received a text from Jess the she passed and now she can drive with me legally. The bummer to it all is that she will be going under the knife tomorrow morning to have her ankle surgery which is her right ankle and she will be in a cast for at least 6 weeks, then in a boot. So driving for her will quickly come to a hault. She will get to drive to work tonight and then to the clinic in the morning.

Since Scrapbook camp I have completed 11 more pages at home. You see this is very unusual for me to do, I usually get home put all away and it won't come back out until the next retreat. I am clear to our vacation to Seattle this summer, yes I said this summer 2008!!!

The bengals won again Friday night :) It should be a good game on this Friday, Homecoming and all.

Hope you all have a great week!!

1 comment:

Kristi O said...

Happy late birthday! wooho!
It was great running into you the other nite. I am glad that you had fund on the retreat and I hope that we can scrapbook soon! I hope Jess is doing okay!