Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall is Here

Boy, did it get cold quick. Not a very eventful past week. Busy with Joe starting wrestling, thank goodness gas prices are dropping. Jess had her consultation on Wed. with her going in next Tuesday for surgery. SHe also got her stitches removed from her gums too. SO Jess is officially done with soccer until she is fully recovered from her surgery. But we have Joe to keep us busy with wrestling tournaments starting the 25th of this month. Friday night the kids went to the LHS game, and my Bunco group started up again, I was the big loser, got my money back. Saturday started off with Jess' drivers ed class (7am) then Joe went with Scott to watch Trevor's football game, and Jess and I did some things around the house and later that afternoon she had a few people over to finish thier economics project, a few turned into I think 13, they were all gone at 10. Joe had two baseball games on Sunday and boy did he luck out with the weather, I can say I like his games at Pepsi better than Clearwater, no trees and more direct sun at Pepsi. Joe came home from hunting, empty handed he'll try again next weekend. Finished the weekend off with a salmon dinner, played cards and when Joe and Joe watched a movie, I did a few more pages for my scrap book.

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