Monday, October 06, 2008

Yet, another week.

Well it has been a week and I can't believe how October is here already. 2 weeks and I will be 36, sure sounds like a good rounded number. Well Jess' last soccer game is tomorrow followed with a day of appointments on Wed. First we will go to the dentist who did her gum surgery and have the stitches taken out. Then on to her pre-op appointment with the ortho surgeon. We will see if the big day will be the 15th or the 22nd. Joe and I both hope for the 15th, but Jess wants to wait until the 22 because she knows for sure she will be done with driving by then. So my next post I will fill you all in. The scrapbook retreat was a blast, was great to spend 4 days with my sister Jaimie. I completed 63 pages, that was a great improvement from last fall when I only completed 13. Just got back from seeing Jaimie and Jaclyn off at the airport. :( I hate it everytime they have to go home.
I wish you all a good week.

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