Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I am back

Geeze the days lately have just been flying by.

Well since my last post - Thanksgiving was great, and yes the girls still rule!!!!!!!! Us girls in the family seem to just KICK BUTT when it comes to Pictionary. Susan could draw a line and I will guess China and that would be correct, man it drives Dean and Joe crazy, but boy is it GREAT!!!

I am a proud Auntie once again! My sister-in-law, Pam had a healthy baby girl last Wednesday night, yae finally another girl to add to the Rigney's, her name is Abbigail Lynn, I will post a picture as soon as we go see them, that's of course with permission of them.

This past weekend we took Joseph to Post Falls for the Idaho State Youth Wrestling Tournament, weather and all. Joseph kept on telling me in the weeks prior that he was just expecting to wrestle 2 matches (double elimination) and be happy with that. With it only being his 4th tournament of his wrestling career. Well he was wonderful and ending up medaling and taking 6th place in the state of Idaho
(Novice 80 pound)Here he is at the end of a long day.

Well now we are "Sport free" Until January, except for Jess' Sunday practices.
So, hopefully I will post more frequently, and maybe I can get Jaimie to start as well.

You know Jaimie has a myspace now, you should check it out, go to my page(myspace url is on here on top on the right) she is on my top friends, well in order to look at her page and pictures you will also have to sign up and get a myspace page too.

Well that about wraps up the past few weeks.
Happy Holiday's!!!

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