Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Another Weekend Gone

Well just to update, Joe got his elk on Thursday, a 4 point and on Friday, Scott filled his cow tag in Waha, so with that done and over with, you would think that they would pack it up and head home. Nope, they cam home long enough on Thursday to bring the meat in and to watch Ryan's last football game (bengal cup - Jenifer won) And they headed back up after the game. Then on Friday when Scott filled his, they cam home to go to the Homecoming game with us (Bengals BEAT Capital) and they stayed to go to Joe and Trevors wrestling tournament at CHS on Saturday. Trevor got 2nd and Joe had 5 matches and gave up before he even wrestled, except his last match he was wrestling a kid from our own club, who is extremely good and Joe pinned him, what's up with that. We head to Grangeville on Saturday for another tournament.

Jess went back to school on Friday and is gettin galong well. The only problem is, is that she hates the crutches, as she would say "they hurt my pits and they stink" We will see if she will get a walking cast on Friday or if she will still have to use the crutches. Will keep you all posted.

Hope everyone has a good week.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Thought that I would post some new pictures of Jessica. Her with her permit and the before and after photo's from her surgery. She is doing good, even if she is some serious pain she isn't a complainer. She goes back the 31st to take the make shift cast off (I call it her club foot) and will get a more permanents one. I am interested to see how long the incision is. Will keep everyone posted.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I am getting old.

Well yesterday I celebrated my 36th Birthday and today my oldest passed her test and now has her drivers permit. So that just makes me feel old. I spent my day watching Joseph play baseball then Joe, Jess and I went to dinner and then Mom and Dean came over with my favorite cake and some ice cream. Then this morning a received a text from Jess the she passed and now she can drive with me legally. The bummer to it all is that she will be going under the knife tomorrow morning to have her ankle surgery which is her right ankle and she will be in a cast for at least 6 weeks, then in a boot. So driving for her will quickly come to a hault. She will get to drive to work tonight and then to the clinic in the morning.

Since Scrapbook camp I have completed 11 more pages at home. You see this is very unusual for me to do, I usually get home put all away and it won't come back out until the next retreat. I am clear to our vacation to Seattle this summer, yes I said this summer 2008!!!

The bengals won again Friday night :) It should be a good game on this Friday, Homecoming and all.

Hope you all have a great week!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall is Here

Boy, did it get cold quick. Not a very eventful past week. Busy with Joe starting wrestling, thank goodness gas prices are dropping. Jess had her consultation on Wed. with her going in next Tuesday for surgery. SHe also got her stitches removed from her gums too. SO Jess is officially done with soccer until she is fully recovered from her surgery. But we have Joe to keep us busy with wrestling tournaments starting the 25th of this month. Friday night the kids went to the LHS game, and my Bunco group started up again, I was the big loser, got my money back. Saturday started off with Jess' drivers ed class (7am) then Joe went with Scott to watch Trevor's football game, and Jess and I did some things around the house and later that afternoon she had a few people over to finish thier economics project, a few turned into I think 13, they were all gone at 10. Joe had two baseball games on Sunday and boy did he luck out with the weather, I can say I like his games at Pepsi better than Clearwater, no trees and more direct sun at Pepsi. Joe came home from hunting, empty handed he'll try again next weekend. Finished the weekend off with a salmon dinner, played cards and when Joe and Joe watched a movie, I did a few more pages for my scrap book.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Yet, another week.

Well it has been a week and I can't believe how October is here already. 2 weeks and I will be 36, sure sounds like a good rounded number. Well Jess' last soccer game is tomorrow followed with a day of appointments on Wed. First we will go to the dentist who did her gum surgery and have the stitches taken out. Then on to her pre-op appointment with the ortho surgeon. We will see if the big day will be the 15th or the 22nd. Joe and I both hope for the 15th, but Jess wants to wait until the 22 because she knows for sure she will be done with driving by then. So my next post I will fill you all in. The scrapbook retreat was a blast, was great to spend 4 days with my sister Jaimie. I completed 63 pages, that was a great improvement from last fall when I only completed 13. Just got back from seeing Jaimie and Jaclyn off at the airport. :( I hate it everytime they have to go home.
I wish you all a good week.