Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Tag Your It

A fun kind of TAG..... you're it

to know more about you....
Yourself: mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, loyal, and trust worthy and for sure busy!!!!
Your partner: Joe - my best friend
Your hair: sojust below the shoulders and dark reddish blonde
Your mother: warm, friendly, unconditional a blast and a best friend
Your father: pretty funny at the moment
Your favorite item: any hoodie I own
Your dream last night: don't remember
Your favorite drink: fountain dr pepper
Your dream car: never really thought about it - maybe paid off
Dream home: one level in the mountains near water
The room you are in: computer room
Your fear: not seeing my children have children
Where you want to be in 10 years: debt free and there will be no kids at home
Who you hung out with last night: our kids and friends Ricky and Amanda
You’re not: math-a-mangenoius
One of your wish list items: hot tub
The last thing you did: went to the grocery store for dinner
You are wearing: pj pants and my blue hoodie
Your favorite book: ???
Last thing you ate: cheese enchilada from El Sombrero
Your life: very busy - content
Your mood: getting better
Your best friend: my husband Joe and my mom
What are you thinking about right now: I hope I am not in the kitchen all night
Your car: 2004 marroon chevy impala
What are you doing at the moment: typing
Relationship status: married, almost 15 years to Joe
What is on your t.v: no more TV in here, we put it in the shop
When is the last time you laughed: With Jessica when we were at the store last night she did not want to carry her feminine products, so I was tossing them to her.

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