Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Where has the year gone?

I can not believe that tomorrow is Thanksgiving, boy have the holidays snuck up!
We will be spending Thanksgiving day at my mom's. Joe has missed the last 3 years, due to having to work, so we are soooo excited that he is OFF!!!! The next month will probably fly by. We will be done with wrestling and Jessica will finally have her braces off (Dec 18th).
I am gratefull for the family that I have, for have healthy children, a great marriage and a fantastic job. I am gratfull that My lil'est sister will be home tonight and will be able to spend all of tomorrow with her. We get to see her other half Chris as well. And I am truely blessed that my father is home and happy!

Happy Thanksgiving To All!!!!

Friday, November 09, 2007

My dad and I

Here is a picture from a couple of weeks ago. Dad and Betty came to Joseph's championship football game in the Kibbie Dome and my sister was wanting to see a picture of him, (she hasn't seen him since the first part of Sept) So here we are, and the greatest part is that he gets to go home today and stay for good, after 3 1/2 months gone in the hospital and rehab. WE LOVE YOU DAD !!!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Tag Your It

A fun kind of TAG..... you're it

to know more about you....
Yourself: mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, loyal, and trust worthy and for sure busy!!!!
Your partner: Joe - my best friend
Your hair: sojust below the shoulders and dark reddish blonde
Your mother: warm, friendly, unconditional a blast and a best friend
Your father: pretty funny at the moment
Your favorite item: any hoodie I own
Your dream last night: don't remember
Your favorite drink: fountain dr pepper
Your dream car: never really thought about it - maybe paid off
Dream home: one level in the mountains near water
The room you are in: computer room
Your fear: not seeing my children have children
Where you want to be in 10 years: debt free and there will be no kids at home
Who you hung out with last night: our kids and friends Ricky and Amanda
You’re not: math-a-mangenoius
One of your wish list items: hot tub
The last thing you did: went to the grocery store for dinner
You are wearing: pj pants and my blue hoodie
Your favorite book: ???
Last thing you ate: cheese enchilada from El Sombrero
Your life: very busy - content
Your mood: getting better
Your best friend: my husband Joe and my mom
What are you thinking about right now: I hope I am not in the kitchen all night
Your car: 2004 marroon chevy impala
What are you doing at the moment: typing
Relationship status: married, almost 15 years to Joe
What is on your t.v: no more TV in here, we put it in the shop
When is the last time you laughed: With Jessica when we were at the store last night she did not want to carry her feminine products, so I was tossing them to her.


OK, so my wonderful husband is sure to get the hunter of the year award, today he got himself a 5x5 buck, so here is a photo, when they got home.

I can't wait to be able to go out again, it is hard to describe how I enjoyed myself out in the woods with him hunting. He is not too demanding telling me to hurry up, suck it up or not another rest. He tells me that I am a big trooper and is proud of me. W

Good News!!
My dad finally gets to come home on Friday :) He will be adjusting for awhile I think, I think that this is a great move!!!!!!!

Well I will post some more photo's hopefully later tonight, but who knows, we are starting to make green salsa tonight.